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Reflections from the Mirrorsphere: Essays from a life in practice

This last year or so has been a period of valuable reflection. What does it mean to share meditation practice? How can I be most honest about my personal subjectivities? How to share with others but not to claim to 'know'?! I don't share these essays to 'teach' anything. Practicing in community shows me that we already have the wisdom we need, if only we can have the spaces in which to access it.

I have always written, since I was young. I write in order to make sense of some of my own questions. And often I write in order to feel: to find the shape and texture of words that give me access to what is intuited but only vaguely understood. If any of these topics feel like a living question for you too, here are some thoughts ...and perhaps you might feel inspired to write too, to let your own words come forward in the continuing conversation.....

"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy"                                               Frederick Neitzche 

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