Further Resources
Below are resources that I have found invaluable in making the work of self inquiry a real and practical process and in giving me ways to deepen my understanding of relationship and relating
Examining our limited perceptions, especially in relationship:
See the work of Byron Katy https://thework.com/
See also her book 'Who Would You Be Without Your Story?'
Exploring the depths of listening
See The Way of Council https://waysofcouncil.net/
and The Centre for Council https://www.centerforcouncil.org/what-is-council.html.
To see this kind of work in action, I highly recommend the film 'The Work' (2017)
Exploring the psychological resonance of the body
Work that looks deeply into embodiment, trauma and agency for change:
Anodea Judith's 'Charge', Gabor Mate's 'When the Body Says No' [or there's a talk version on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6IL8WVyMMs and Bessel Van der Kolk's 'The Body Keeps the Score'.
Exploring the importance of creative life
Julia Cameron's 'The Artist's Way' and Thomas Moore's 'Care for the Soul'
There are countless books that have inspired me, many of them already well known. Here, I'd like to share perhaps a few that may perhaps be lesser -read, and that orientate around three distinctive perspectives; the feminine, the inter-faith and the ecological. At a certain point it became important to find the women’s voices (which are harder to find as traditional ‘spiritual books’) and to find the places where some of this was expressed in Christian contemplative language. Reading ecological writing has also helped me to integrate this into a language located in the tangible, manifest (and sacred) world around me.
Transformation & Healing, Zen Battles and Living Buddha, Living Christ Thich That Hahn
Paths to God Ram Dass
The Places that Scare You Pema Chodron
Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind Maura O’Halloran
Bearing Witness Bernie Glassman (also talks at https://www.upaya.org/bernie-glassman-at-upaya)
Nine Headed Dragon River Peter Matthieson
Be Here, Now Ram Dass (also talks at https://www.ramdass.org/teachings/?fwp_format=podcast)
An Invitation to Freedom and Resurrecting Jesus Adyashanti (also talks on youtube)
Sharon Landrith is on Insight Timer and interviewed in Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom by Rita Marie Robinson
The Self in Full Bloom is an audiobook on iTunes by Mukti (Adyashanti’s wife)
Vaster then Sky, Greater than Space Mooji (also talks on youtube)
The Wisdom Way of Knowing Cynthia Bourgeault
Meister Eckhart Centering Prayer Matthew Fox
Teresa of Avila The Book of My Life Mirabai Starr
Matter and Desire: An Erotic Ecology and The Biology of Wonder Andreas Weber
The Living Mountain Nan Shepherd
Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life Meredith Sabin